**The Right to Identity-**
We have the right to embrace and define our identity as an NPE without judgment or external pressure. Our truth matters, and we are not obligated to hide or diminish our story.
**The Right to Seek Information-**
We have the right to pursue answers about our biological origins, including the identities of our biological parents, our heritage, and medical history.
**The Right to Emotional Processing-**
We have the right to grieve, feel anger, joy, confusion, or any other emotion that arises from our NPE discovery. No one can dictate how we should feel or how long it should take to process our emotions.
**The Right to Boundaries-**
We have the right to establish and maintain boundaries with our biological and raised families. Our comfort and emotional well-being are priorities, and we are not obligated to accommodate others at our own expense.
**The Right to Be Acknowledged-**
We have the right to seek recognition from our biological family. Whether they accept us or not, our existence is valid, and we deserve acknowledgment.
**The Right to Choose Relationships-**
We have the right to determine the level of connection we want with our biological and raised families. We are not obligated to maintain relationships that feel harmful or unfulfilling.
**The Right to Privacy-**
We have the right to share or withhold our NPE story as we see fit. No one can demand access to our personal journey or pressure us to disclose details we’re not ready to share.
**The Right to Advocacy-**
We have the right to advocate for ourselves and other NPEs. Our voice is powerful and can bring awareness, compassion, and change to help society understand the NPE experience.
**The Right to Healing-**
We have the right to pursue healing in whatever way works best for us, whether through therapy, support groups, spiritual practices, or other means. Our healing is a personal journey.
**The Right to Community-**
We have the right to seek out and build connections with other NPEs who understand our experiences. Community can be a source of strength, validation, and solidarity.
**The Right to Our Story-**
We have the right to own and tell our story in our own words, on our terms. No one else can define or rewrite our narrative.
**The Right to Compassion-**
We have the right to extend compassion to ourselves and others as we navigate the complexities of being an NPE. Forgiveness, when and if we choose it, is our decision alone.
I could not find something like this anywhere. If something already exists, please let me know. This Bill of Rights acknowledges the inherent dignity and humanity of every NPE, affirming that our journey, feelings, and choices are worthy of respect.
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A few days ago, while I was doing my physics homework, I suddendly heard my ears ringing quite loudly. Now the sound got quieter, but I can still hear it.
I've discovered that tinnitus has many causes, but stress and anxiety can definitely make it worse. This may not sound like a big deal, but it's pretty debilitating and scary since there is pretty much no cure.
If there is some kind of background noise or I'm not thinking about my ears ringing, I don't notice it, but now silence is annoying, I have this mild but constant headache, and my insomnia is getting worse.
Does anyone here have experience with tinnitus?
Megint az a kérdésem, hogy az ellenzék tök jó, hogy mindig non-stop posztol meg hisztizik, ha MP kijelent valamit, de most sehol nem látom, hogy nyomatnák, hogy az országot kiárusítják. Mindegyik kussol, mert nem a saját megélhetéséről van szó, pedig ez nem kis dolog. Ráadásul elég erős kommunikációs fegyver, hogy a Fidesz azt hangoztatja, hogy nekik Magyarország és a magyarok az elsők, mégis Rákosrendezőt inkább adja arab kézben, mintsem megtartaná nekünk.
Sőt, fideszes propaganda fegyverrel élve simán belengethetnék a migrációt, hogy Orbán be akar ide mindenféle embert telepíteni, nem fontos neki a magyar kultúra, a magyar föld és szembe ment azzal, amit mondott, hogy megvédi az országot.
Ettől függetlenül is hihetetlen, hogy tényleg semmi nem elég ezeknek a szemeteknek.
Számomra ez kicsit nagyobb kérdés, mint , hogy ne legyen olimpia, ami egyszer lecseng, mégsem látom a Momentumot tűzzel-vassal küzdeni, a DK-t posztolgatni arról, hogy ez mennyire nemzeti ügy és stb.
Ezen a ponton Majka többet csinált, mint az ellenzék... pedig...
*The year is 1951.*
*^(World War II has long come to an end. For a bit over six years, the Axis have stood victorious.)*
*^(But Europe stands no closer to peace, perhaps even less so.)*
*^(The iron grip rusts and corrodes with each passing day.)*
*^(The former pact turns upon itself, fighting over the scraps of a world they destroyed.)*
*^(From the collapse, new nations emerge.)*
*Enter Chernarus, land of the downtrodden and snow,*
*^(The misaligned, the oppressed, and the rejected.)*
*^(Animals in a cage,)*
*^(Where every soul is a soldier,)*
*^(Where war is their only purpose,)*
*^(Seeking to earn their place upon the smoldering ashes.)*
***Bună seara***, stranger.
You must be cold, wandering the forest like this. Come, sit. Share our fire.
**Do you want to tell a story? Do you like DnD?**
**Do you want Tolkien-level lore on a budget?**
**Do you want a unit that values trust and supports you?**
**Chernarussian Black Sea Legion**, at your service;
* A high-trust unit culture that values personal connections and close camaraderie between players.
* Unique roleplaying, nationbuilding, and diplomacy. (DnD x HOI4 x Total War)
* A lore-integrated logistics system that gives control over what assets and weaponry you use in the field.
* A fast, no-frills support system that borrows from Insurgency and Helldivers 2.
* Persistent campaign wargames and story-driven operations where the consequences matter.
* More lore than you would ever need or want. No, seriously. The lore starts in the *Stone Age.*
* A custom soundtrack featuring a national anthem, military marches, and popular artists.
* Bossfights. Yes. *Actual bossfights*.
We aim to provide the ultimate alternate-history experience, one that gives Chernarus a rich new character with a unique history, culture, and people.
The Chernarussian Black Sea Legion reimagines Chernarus upon the world map; a fledgling Black Sea nation of rugged, hardy people torn apart by over a thousand years of war, oppression, and political intrigue. Even “Chernarus” is not its true name, rather a product of a treaty they barely survived.
Every event takes place within a grander stage; an ever-changing world. The story, and how it plays out, has a direct impact on global events. What might seem to be the most trivial of actions may have massive, irreversible consequences. Or the opposite -- a huge, climactic battle could prove inconclusive.
The lore drives the unit. Story-oriented players, roleplayers, and lore goblins will be right at home here.
We play as the entire nation, with all of its military and civil service branches. This means that our operations are highly flexible, and that you are not limited to one role forever. We encourage our players to gain and use as much knowledge as they can get. Well-versed players are deadly players.
Of course, some are limited by technology. We are currently in an Alternate Early 1950s setting, but this will progress as time goes on, unlocking new weapons, vehicles, and gear.
**EMPHASIS**: Most operations are centered around infantry combat. Using specialized assets depends on attendance and other factors. No matter what, you will always have infantry roles to fall back on --- as needed, you can and will be assigned as infantry.
**Our primary language is English.**
Our main events take place every **Saturday**.
Additional side events may be hosted on **Friday** and **Sunday**.
**2:00 - 5:00pm** Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
**6:00 - 9:00pm** Universal Coordinated Time (UTC/GMT)
**8:00pm - 11:00pm** Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)
^(\* Most deployments take \~2 hours, but can be a maximum of 3 hours long, not accounting for additional preparation.)
**We do not have a strict attendance policy.** Your life matters more than ARMA 3, and if things come up, we are here to help if you need it. Just tell us!
**We use a couple of DLCs in our Operations.**
While our operations will still be 'playable', having DLCs will make your life ***a lot*** easier.
We use the following DLCs:
\- Spearhead 1944
\- Global Mobilization
**Participation is highly encouraged, of course.**
Players that are gone for a long time will not be penalized, so long as they communicate the details with our leadership personnel. Those who do not will be checked on and, if necessary, removed.
**No prior experience with ARMA is necessary**. We are looking for good people first, not necessarily good players. If you need help, our personnel and written resources will assist you.
**This is a milsim unit, not a realism unit.** Every member is held to the same behavioral standards no matter their rank or role. We regard everyone as an adult, and we expect them to act accordingly.
# [Our Discord](http://discord.gg/UHTeWA3R5a)
# [Our Entry Questionnaire](https://forms.gle/LmLA6fqGEkzrxLmx8)
Completion of the questionnaire is required to complete the onboarding process. You will have several opportunities to do this, but it is recommended you do this first using the embed above.
It has 4 written questions about your ArmA history and expertise. **This is not a test.**
Afterward, you will be asked to complete an one-on-one interview with a recruiter to get to know you on a more personal level.
**This is not supposed to be a job interview, but you can be disqualified based on what gets said.**
If you are still not satisfied or have any of the following:
* Questions
* Comments
* Concerns
* Trials
* Tribulations
* Human sacrifices
* Sarcastic remarks
* Questionable life choices
* Spontaneous rants
* Bouts of mental illness
Let us know!
You can message us on Reddit, but it is preferred that you contact us via our recruiters' Discord handles:
**whitecollar.actual** or **Firebird 0-1#0889** ( < The big boss.)
**et3rnus** or **Et3rnus#7884** ( < The head recruiter.)
We hope to see you soon.
***Bună călătorie***, soldier.
Like dis question been bugging me, u know how on that podcast they said Ye got bianca a man for her last birthday. Im afraid my goat is a cuck.
What do yall think?
I know what to do after 6 in the evening but don't know how to spend time from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening.. What do you advise especially if you are going solo. Thanks.
I woke up unusually early and realized I was going to need caffeine in order to make it through the day. I ordered coffee and donuts from Dunkin'.
My order was marked as Leave at the Door, just like it always is.
The driver pulled a trifecta: he ignored my delivery instructions and therefore delivered the food to the wrong door, he didn't take a photo of where he dropped off the food (I didn't think it was possible to bypass the photo requirement, but apparently it is), and worst of all he pounded on the door, waking up everyone else in the house. This was at 5:50am!
This was so unexpected and seemingly aggressive that I decided not to open the door. I messaged him "This order was LEAVE AT THE DOOR. Please just leave the food and stop pounding on the door!!! You woke up everybody else in the house. It's not even 6 o'clock in the morning dude!!!" and he got the message. Instantly the screen saying the food had been delivered popped up, but with a generic graphic and no photo.
I rated him thumbs down and selected the buttons Didn't follow instructions, Delivered to the wrong place, and Unprofessional (there was no choice for "driver pounded on my door for a Leave at the Door order"). Will this ensure that I don't ever get matched with this driver for future deliveries? Or do I need to call UberEats support to do that? Thank you for any/all advice.
Sup everyone, I made this instrumental using the app called Remixlive. The sound pack I used for this beat is called Hip Hop.
This is basically another old school type beat, kinda similar to the THROWBACK Instrumental i uploaded not too long ago.
Enjoy and let me know what you think 👊
As the title suggest. Im tryna buy an UV70P, my main concern is the floyd rose. Does it stay very good on tune even with heavy picking and fast shredding? I owned a jackson kelly kex in the past and the floyd rose was inusable. Hard to tune, hard to intonate, and i had issues with strings just straight up snapping or escaping from the tension (the heaviest set i tried was a 10-52, i mostly used 9-42 though)
Habiendo pasado por todas las épocas Peak de las redes sociales ( FB, Twitter, fotolog, Instagram, reddit, Pinterest) no sé si es por el anonimato que ofrece esta red social o porque extrañamente son todos amables o medianamente, pero reddit hasta el momento es mi red social favorita. Será que las demás están demasiado saturadas con discursos de odio o simplemente soy yo?